"The South is the only place in the world where nothing has to be explained to me." ----Woodrow Wilson

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A picture of Jenny that she doesn't hate

This picture is going to be the Christmas card instead of the one of us outside in the post below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice Jenny :) ... Only better if you wear matching argyle sweaters!

2:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know i cetainly love this picture as well hahaha

8:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

MUCH better picture of the two of you... better than the one below! Glad you switched! ....It is now 2/8/06...WHERE IN THE H--L is MY CHRISTMAS CARD???????!!!! J.K.!!!
(like the "hair-do?")

K. G. in Booney--ville



12:48 AM


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