"The South is the only place in the world where nothing has to be explained to me." ----Woodrow Wilson

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Still on Break

While we were still on vacation in NC, Jenny and I had to make a trip to the Biltmore to finalize wedding plans. The inn is so cool looking. The mountains are really pretty up there. Very wet and green. It's a lot different than the rocky dry conditions in Colorado.

We got to sample the food we are having at the wedding. It is phenomenal. This was my great contribution to the wedding plans. :) Am I lucky or what?

This is off the balcony looking down on the outside wedding area.

And finally, the house.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Josh! It's Crystal! :)

Where's my invitation to your wedding?? I heard about it from your mom. ;-)

Very happy for you!!! Congrats. Can't wait to meet Jenny. I'm sure she's wonderful... she'd have to be to put up with you. ;-) :-P Just kidding. You know I love ya!

Talk to you soon!!!

9:35 PM


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